

婚姻家庭神學觀(課程編碼: FT01, 3 學分,ZOOM 授課)

時間:2月15日-3月21日, 每逢週四, 7-10 PM
教師:林真兒 傳道




程林真兒博士(Dr. Joy Cheng), 美國遠東廣播公司中文事工節目部主任;達拉斯神學院教牧學婚姻家庭事工博士;美國遠東家庭事工培訓中心創辦人;「真愛駐我家」播客總監制與主持,良友電台節目主持人,良牧聖經學院教務長;正道神學院客座教師;良友電台節目主持人,在多間神學院教導許多與婚姻家庭、教育子女,培育青少年等課程,同時與先生homeschool在家教育他們的三個孩子,Elijah(18已上大學);Evangeline(14);和Eliana(11)。

二代英文事工 Chinese Church Second Generation English Ministry(課程編碼: PE02, 2 學分,英文授課 ZOOM 授課)

Time: April 4- May 9, on Thursdays, 7-9 PM, via Zoom
Instructor: Dr. Tim Tseng

Course Description:

One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese churches in the Chinese Diaspora is the ability to develop healthy second+ generation ministries. This is especially difficult in the United States and Canada where the linguistic and cultural distance is so large between an evolving multi-cultural, yet Western-oriented, society and its Chinese communities. This class seeks to provide practical ways of creating healthy second+ generation English ministries within churches that are primarily Chinese-speaking. We will explore external and internal factors that create environments for healthy and unhealthy second generation English ministries.

Instructor Introduction:

Dr. Tim Tseng (曾祥雨) is a Research Professor of the History of Christianity and Asian American Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. He is also the Pacific Area Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Graduate and Faculty Ministries. Between 2010 and 2018, Tim served as Pastor of English Ministries at Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church in San Jose, California. Prior to that he served on faculty at Denver Seminary, Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, and the Graduate Theological Union. He also founded and directed the Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity (ISAAC). Tim is a pioneering American religious historian who investigates the histories of Asian American Christianity. He was born in Taiwan and migrated to the U.S. at the age of 2 with his parents. His father, the late Paul F.P. Tseng, was a church planter who started three Chinese congregations in the New York Metropolitan Area. Initially hoping to follow in his father’s footsteps into ministry into the Chinese American church, he was called to the field of history of Christianity after discovering the absence of Asians and Asian Americans in the standard narratives of church history. He completed his M.Div. (1987) Ph.D. in the history of Christianity (1994) at Union Theological Seminary (New York) under the tutelage of his advisor, the late James Melvin Washington. Tim has been married to Betty Shek Tseng since 1985. They have two adult sons, Nathaniel and Benjamin. Tim and Betty reside in Castro Valley, California.

屬靈成長的重要階段(課程編碼: SP02, 2 學分, ZOOM 授課)

時間:5月16日 - 6月6日, 逢週四晚 7-10 PM




邊瑤姊妹,來自中國大陸,之前曾在高校工作多年。蒙神恩召得以認識耶穌基督,不斷經歷神信實奇妙的帶領,生命得以完全翻轉。2013年來美接受神學裝備,獲基督工人神學院道學碩士後留任學院繼續服事;因對靈命塑造及靈修輔導的特別負擔,一直致力於此,並在School of Spiritual Direction School of Sustainable Faith完成訓練,成為certified spiritual director。

老年學(課程編碼: FS01, 2 學分, ZOOM 授課)

時間:7月11日 - 8月1日, 逢週四 7-10 PM
教師:張劉文昭 博士


人口老化是現今全球的大趨勢,尤其是嬰兒潮世代 (Baby-Boomers,指1946-1964年出 生者) 正進入約七十歲的年紀。社會逐步老齡化,教會也遇到長者偏多而隨之而來的老化情況。教會老齡化之「危」,可見於不少教會的逐漸萎縮。但危機往往也是契機,若教會善於應對,就可以化為轉機,使長者發揮正能量,教會繼續健壯。本課程將闡釋老年學的理論,及教會如何更新和突破長者事工。教師將介紹親身在老人公寓的事奉經驗。


張劉文昭博士,亞洲浸信會神學研究院神學博士,主修成人教育。曾任基督工人神學院副教授多年,主要教授基督教教育及實用科目,現為退休客座教授。成長背景屬於嬰兒潮世代。於五年前搬進 Stoneridge Creek Retirement Community,開始長者關懷及福音小組,現今小組在穩定成長中。

全人發展心理學(課程編碼: PC02, 2 學分, ZOOM 授課)

時間:2025年春季 具體時間待定
教師:劉慈謙 博士




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