Academic / Faculty

Dr. Manchiu Lau Cheung


Christian Education

Former Ministries:

Director of Human Resources (CWTS)

Associate Professor (CWTS)

Registrar & Director of Field Education, Christian Witness Theological Seminary

Director of Administration & Director of Development, Bible Seminary of Hong Kong

High School Principal

High School Teacher and Religious Education Director

Dr. Manchiu Cheung (hereafter Dr. Lau) grew up in Hong Kong. She accepted Christ in high school and served actively in church. After graduation from college, she became a staff member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Hong Kong) to promote evangelism among high school students. In 1972 she married Dr. Wilkin Cheung whom she got to know in college. After their wedding, Wilkin taught at Singapore University and Dr. Lau studied at Discipleship Training Centre (Singapore) where she earned a diploma in theology. Later Wilkin accepted an offer from the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he eventually became an Associate Professor in Biology. After their return to Hong Kong, Dr. Lau taught high school for more than ten years and participated actively in student evangelism, leading Bible studies and fellowships. She later became the principal of a high school.

Sensing the call from God, .she resigned from the school and became a full time seminarian, eventually earning her Master in Divinity. She then became a teacher at the Bible Seminary of Hong Kong. Later she pursued a doctorate degree, majoring in Adult Christian Education.

In 1999, Dr. Lau and her husband Wilkin immigrated to California. Since then, Dr. Lau has served as a professor in CWTS, teaching courses mainly in Christian Education but also in Evangelism, Bible Study, Spiritual Growth, etc. Dr. Lau was formerly the Registrar and Director of Field Education in CWTS. Currently she serves as the Director of Human Resources, oversees the Finance Department, and is also involved in Advancement in CWTS.

For a number of years, Dr. Lau has been attending Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church and teaches Adult Sunday School for the Chinese congregation. For his part, Wilkin was a long time teacher of adults in the English Sunday School. Besides being dedicated to teaching and research in college settings, he was also committed to the integration of science and the Christian faith, and he fully supported Dr. Lau’s ministry. Unfortunately he passed away in March 2013 as a result of cancer. Since then, while missing her husband, Dr. Lau continues to serve the Lord.

  • Education:
    • Th.D., Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary (Adult Christian Education), 1999
    • M.Div., China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong, 1992
    • Dip.Ed., University of Hong Kong, 1975
    • Dip.Th., Singapore Discipleship Training Centre, 1974
    • B.Sc., University of Hong Kong, 1969
  • Selected Publications (in Chinese):
    • A. Books:
      • Holistic Christian Education: Christian Education Training Handbook 2007
      • A Study of the Relationship Between Adults’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Selected Variables in Sunday Schools of Hong Kong Chinese Baptist Churches, ERIC 2001
      • Curriculum materials on “The Study of Isaiah”, Distance Education Program, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary 2000
    • B. Articles:
      • 「基督教教育現況與面對的困難」”The Present Situation of Christian Education and the Problems Encountered.” Paper presented in the Chinese Christian Education Conference held by the Association of Canadian Chinese Theological Education, August 2014
      • 「世俗化對基督教教育的挑戰」 “The Challenges of Secularism to Christian Education,” CWTS Newsletter, April 2011.
      • 「如何提升教牧的教導素質?」”How to Elevate the Teaching Quality of Pastors?”《教牧分享 Pastoral Sharing》,世界華福中心 Chinese Co-ordination Centre of World Evangelism, Sep. 2008.
      • 「善於問和答的耶穌與今日聖經教師」 “Jesus’ Use of Questions and Answers and How We can Learn from Him,” 《榮耀的基督與當代信徒 The Glorious Christ and the Contemporary Christian》,Christian Witness Theological Seminary, 2003.
      • 「書評 Book Review:《老當益壯 Aging with Vitality: A Path for Growth》」,《傳 Proclaim》,中國信徒佈道會 Chinese Christian Mission,Sep. 2002.
      • 「教會中的成人教學法 “The Methods of Teaching Adults in Churches”」,CWTS Newsletter, April 2002.
      • 「基督教宗教教育的拓展 “The Development of Christian Religious Education in Churches”」, CWTS Newsletter, January 2000
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